The Living Levels
Published: 17 October 2019
The Living Levels Landscape Partnership (LLLP) has come together to deliver a programme of work which will promote and reconnect people to the heritage, wildlife and wild beauty of the historic landscape of the Gwent Levels.
The Programme seeks to conserve and restore the important natural heritage features of the area, to develop a far greater appreciation of the value of the landscape and finally to inspire people to learn about and participate in the heritage of the Gwent Levels. A £2.5 million grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund will help us lever in further funding and deliver a £4 million scheme over the next 3.5 years.
Our Scheme covers an area of 225km squared extending from Cardiff and the River Rhymney in the west to Chepstow on the River Wye in Monmouthshire to the east. Predominantly low-lying agricultural land, criss-crossed with an intricate network of drainage channels and field ditches, the project area also includes the inter-tidal zone of saltmarshes, mudflats and sands that are revealed at low tide along the northern coastline of the Severn Estuary within Wales.
See the Living Levels website for more information about the Gwent Levels and activities and events for all, and click here to see the July - December events booklet.